Opportunity Scholarship
It is the intention of Ben Nusz, to provide a scholarship to two students enrolled in any Associate or Technical degree program, annually. The student must be a full or part time student with a minimum of 6 credits, must reside in Portage County, maintain a GPA of 2.0 or better. The recipient will be randomly selected from all eligible students in the pool that have not received a scholarship in this application window.
Scholarship recipient, please address thank you note to Ben Nusz.
“Dear Mr. Nusz, thank you for your generosity, I appreciate being chosen for the Post Acceptance for Spring 2024 Opportunity Scholarship Fund. I appreciate all the support and guidance that Mid-State Technical College has provided during my time here as a student. I am excited to continue my studies in Software Development and hope to use that knowledge to work with healthcare-based software companies in my future! Thank you again for the scholarship. Sincerely, Madison DeBot” “Thank you for the opportunity for this scholarship I appreciate it and I’m looking forward to continuing my education here at Mid-State.” – Leah Bellinger