Our Donors

Academic Learning Center

Academic Learning Center

Established in 2007, using assets earning of the Mid-State Foundation, to assist a student enrolled in any program who have utilized the LiNK services to enhance their ability to achieve their goals and carrying a minimum 2.5 GPA. Scholarship recipients, please...

Adams Campus

Adams Campus

Using asset earning of the Mid-State Technical College Foundation, Inc., this fund was established in 2008 to assist students in any program at the Adams Campus with a minimum of 4 credits. Scholarship recipients, please address your thank you notes to Adams Campus Dean

Allen Spencer

Allen Spencer

This endowment fund, established in 2013 by the family in honor of Allen Spencer’s years of dedicated service as a Wisconsin Rapids Police Chief. This award aids a student enrolled in the Criminal Justice Studies Program and had attended Lincoln, Assumption, Nekoosa...

Alliant Enegry

Alliant Enegry

Established in 1985 to aid a student enrolled in the Electrical Power Engineering Technician or Industrial Mechanical Technician program carrying a minimum of 3.0 GPA based on 12 or more credits. Preference will be given to applicants who are Alliant Energy...

Aspirus Riverview Auxiliary

Aspirus Riverview Auxiliary

Established in 2018 to assist new, non-traditional students (21 years of age or older) who live in the school districts of Wisconsin Rapids, Port Edwards or Nekoosa, enrolled in the medical field, carrying a minimum of 12 credits carrying a minimum2.5 GPA....

Barbara Wyman

Barbara Wyman

Barbara Wyman was a pioneer, as one of the first women to graduate from Mid-State Technical College’s Farm Management Program in the early 1970s. In the 1980s she returned to Mid-State as an instructor in the health career division. Barbara raised her family on a...

Bartlett Tree Foundation

Bartlett Tree Foundation

This fund, established in 2004 by the Bartlett Tree Foundation Inc. to aid two (2) students enrolled in the Arborist Technician or Urban Forestry Technician Program. Scholarship recipients, please address your thank you note to Bartlett Tree Foundation.

Bell Family Charitable Foundation

Bell Family Charitable Foundation

This fund, established in 2009 by the WoodTrust Bell Family Foundation now known as the Bell Family Charitable Foundation. The Chet Bell Scholarship was established in 1995 by Chet Bell and WoodTrust Bell Family Foundation now known as the Bell Family Charitable...

Betty Yerke

Betty Yerke

Betty Yerke’s endowment fund was created by her family to honor her legacy and support EMT paramedic students at Mid-State Technical College. Betty was a teacher for 30 years, teaching in one-room schools, 8th grade, 5th grade, Chapter 1 and dedicated the last 15...

Bill Babcock

Bill Babcock

It is the intention of the Aspirus Riverview Foundation-Bill Babcock Memorial Scholarship to provide 1 ($500) scholarship to a student over the age of 25 in their second semester or greater. In addition, preference will be given to students in a health care career...

Blue Knights Chapter XV

Blue Knights Chapter XV

This fund, established in 2002 by an organization of motorcycle riding law enforcement professionals to assist students enrolled in the Criminal Justice Program carrying a minimum of a 2.5 GPA. Scholarship recipient, please address your thank you note to Blue Knights...

Bob Beaver

Bob Beaver

The intent was developed because of Bob’s love of learning as showcased by his years of involvement in educational growth wherever he and his family planted roots. Bob’s was a devoted and caring man not only to his wife and family, but also to everyone who had the...

Bobbi Damrow & Damrow Family

Bobbi Damrow & Damrow Family

This fund, established in 2017 by Dr. Bobbi Damrow; Mid-State Technical College Vice President of Workforce Development and Community Relations, along with her husband Chuck are second-generation owners of D& D Tire and Auto Center located in Park Falls WI. The...

Bob Lindaas

Bob Lindaas

Established in July 2004 by friends and family in honor of Bob’s retirement. Bob served in various roles in the Technical & Industrial Division, and as Foundation Director and Foundation Board member for several years prior to his retirement. This scholarship is for...

Brock Daniel Schroeder

Brock Daniel Schroeder

This fund, established in 2016, by Corey and Dixie Schroeder and friends to honor the memory of their son Brock. This is a $500.00 scholarship going to a student enrolled in Business Analyst, Computer Support Specialist, IT Network Specialist, IT software Developer,...

C5 Expedite, LLC

C5 Expedite, LLC

Established in 2022, in the names of Dean and Clayton Ramsden who are looking to assist students enrolled in the Business Management Program enrolled full or part time carrying a minimum of a 2.5 GPA. Scholarship recipient, please address thank you notes to Dean &...

Cari Jo Dale

Cari Jo Dale

Cari Jo was enrolled at the Stevens Point Campus at the time of her accidental death in 1983. The fund was established by her family and friends in her memory to assist Mid-State Students with a disability, in achieving their educational goals. The student must be...

Carol Jankovich

Carol Jankovich

This scholarship is established in memory of Carol Jankovich. Nursing was Carol’s career and lifelong passion. She lived and taught by example treating everyone as an equal, gave back to her community with compassion for others and dignity for those oppressed. Carol...

Carolyn Sue Linzmeier

Carolyn Sue Linzmeier

This scholarship was established in memory of Carolyn Sue Linzmeier, who returned to school as a non-traditional student to pursue a career in Respiratory Therapy. Scholarship recipient, please address thank you note to Lana Mallek.

Central Wisconsin Contractors Association

Central Wisconsin Contractors Association

Established in 2020 to aid a full-time student enrolled in Civil Engineering Technology-Highway Technician, Electrical Power Engineering Technician, Fire Protection Technician, Industrial Automation & Controls Engineering Technology, Industrial Mechanical Technician...

Central Wisconsin Model Railroaders

Central Wisconsin Model Railroaders

Central Wisconsin Model Railroaders Ltd created this scholarship to support those students that are pursuing a degree program at Mid-State Technical College. Students pursuing a career that will support the transportation sector of infrastructure. Funding for this...

Charles H. Anhalt

Charles H. Anhalt

In 2004, along with family and friends, Elizabeth Anhalt established this scholarship in honor of her late husband; Chuck, to aid students enrolled in the School of Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering or the School of Transportation, Agriculture, Natural Resources...

Child Care Advocates Council

Child Care Advocates Council

This fund, established in 2002 to assist students enrolled in the Early Childhood Education Program carrying a minimum of a 2.5 GPA. Scholarship recipient, please address your thank you note to Laura Jackan, Child Care Advocates Council.

CMA (AAMA) Exam Scholarship

CMA (AAMA) Exam Scholarship

$125 for the School of Health; MEDICAL ASSISTANT program students completing their Mid-State Technical Diploma. Scholarship covers the fee for the Exam. Scholarship recipient, please address thank you notes to Jennifer Klicka.

Colleen Kane

Colleen Kane

This scholarship was set up in memory of Mid-State Technical College Dean of Allied Health, Colleen Kane by her loving husband, family, friends, and collegues. This scholarship will help the next generation of nurses find their way in a field Colleen dedicated her...

Connexus Association

Connexus Association

This fund, established in 2019 to assist students involved in a minim of two (2) extra-curricular activities and enrolled in the School of Business and Technology programs and carrying a minimum of a 3.5 GPA.

Corvettes of the North

Corvettes of the North

This fund, established in 1985 to assist a student enrolled full-time in the Automotive Technician program, carrying a minimum of a 2.5 GPA. Scholarship recipient, please address thank you note to John Bodette, Corvettes of the North.

Creeper Car Club

Creeper Car Club

2 Scholarships at $175 each to students enrolled full or part time in the School of Transportation, Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Construction in Automotive Maintenance Technician, Automotive Technician or Diesel & Heavy Equipment Technician programs....

Daniel and Jeannine Meyer

Daniel and Jeannine Meyer

This fund, established in 2019 using asset earning of the Daniel and Jeannine Meyer Estate to assist students enrolled in the Nursing Program carrying a minimum of a 2.5 GPA. Scholarship recipient, please address thank you note to Daniel Meyer.

Davey Company Foundation

Davey Company Foundation

The Davey Company Foundation is proud to support academic programs preparing students for a career in the green industry. Established in 1880 and headquartered in Kent, Ohio, The Davey Tree Expert Company provides research driven tree services, grounds maintenance,...