Sponsor a Scholar - Wysocki Family of Companies

Wysocki Family of Companies are looking to sponsor 1 student in the Agribusiness and Science Technology Program for one year; whereas the total invest is $5,000 over two (2) semesters ($1,000 scholarship and $1,500 Direct pay for the first semester; and $2,500 direct pay for the second semester). Wysocki Family of Companies are looking to sponsor 1 student in the Diesel & Heavy Equipment Technician Program for one year; whereas the total invest is $5,000 over two (2) semesters ($1,000 scholarship and $1,500 Direct pay for the first semester; and $2,500 direct pay for the second semester).

Supplemental Questions
  1. I certify that the information provided on this Mid-State Technical College Prospective Sponsor-A-Scholar Sponsored Student Information & Authorization form is true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge..
    • 1. Electronic Signature (Full Name)
    • 2. Today's Date
  2. In order to move on in the scholarship process, you must upload your resume that can be shared with the potential Business sponsored scholarship. This step is necessary for you to be considered for the paid internship as well as post graduation employment. This is a commitment by the business as well as by the student. By uploading your resume, you are granting Mid-State Technical College Foundation the ability to share with the Businesses sponsoring.